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Give Readers What They Want And Still Make Sales

3 Steps Recipe To Give Readers, What They Want And Still Make Sales

Written by Ramkarthik from Blogging Tune

I have always wondered if one could give readers what they wanted and still make sales. As a result, I have been observing some of the top affiliate marketers and have also been asking them their secrets to selling more and making a passive income from their blog. Most of the successful marketers have their own way or they modify a basic technique to make it look unique.

From what I have experienced, learned and heard from affiliate marketers, they all follow a basic recipe which I'm sharing with you in this post. It is simple, doesn't take much time and will get you more traffic. As we know more traffic will equal more sales. If you can increase your conversion rate, you can make more money within less time. I have tripled my conversion rates for my freelance writing service and I have also explained in the previous post on how you can do it.

By following the 3 steps recipe that I'm sharing below, you could be making giving your readers what they want and still make sales.

1. Find a Problem
You may have heard many bloggers say this. 'Go out there now and find a problem'. But how do I find a problem which I have not faced before? To answer your question, I could write a whole new blog post about it. But let me share some of the best ways using which you can find a problem. I'm going to let you know the two ways which I use and one of them is quite new. Let's start with the old one. You can find what people want, in forums that are in your niche. If you are in the health niche, type "health niche" without quotes in google to find some of the top health related forums. Join in one of them and you can see people posting their problems. Note down these questions. Now we'll move on to the new one. Wordtracker, a site which helps in finding keywords, has a new feature for getting the questions that people type in search engines, for your keyword. Say, I'm typing "make money" in it. I'll get results with questions like "how kids can make money", "how to make money fast" and so on. Note down these questions along with the questions you found in the forums.

2. Provide a Solution
Now that you have a big list of problems that people are facing, you should try to solve them in your blog. Separate the questions you have into two lists. The ones for which you know the answer and the ones for which you don't. First, start with the questions for which you know the answers. Provide solutions to those problems in your blog. Once you are finished with all these, you can move to the second list. How to find answers to the questions you don't know? Read quality books, read other quality blogs, interview the experts in your niche or come up with your own unique idea for getting the answers for the questions. Once you have found them, start posting the solutions in the blog. You are done with providing solutions.

3. Recommend a Product
Recommend a product at the end of the post or even in the middle of the post, if you can do it well. To select the product that you want to promote, you can either select a product that has good reviews or you can ask the owner of the product to give a review copy. If you have a good readership, they will be more than happy to provide you with one. Now that you have the product, you can start recommending (note that you are not selling but recommending). Make sure that the product is related to the problem. I always had this doubt few days ago: When you have already provided a solution, why should they buy the product? It's because they trust you. You have solved a problem for them. You are pointing to a product that will make it easy for them to achieve their goal. There is nothing wrong in recommending a product after you have helped your reader.

What method do you follow to make sales and still keep your readers happy? Please share your opinion in the comments.

Source : bloggingtips

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